參考chinese writing class

WRITE FAST –Writing fast chinese writing classdoes wonders for the work you produce.By writing fast you’ll have a more continuous flow and that makes for an easy read. Sentences ideas paragraphs all blend together perfectly when you just write what you think and stop for nothing. The upcoming Beijing Olympics Games will not just chinese writing classsee thousands of athletes taking part in it, but it will also have white mice as an active participant for the highly anticipated  Beijing Olympics. White mice will not compete with the world class athletes in the Beijing Olympics 2008, but it will ensure that the athletes consume healthy foods by testing all the foods that athletes will be devouring. It is believed that white mice quickly react to adulterated food. If the food is adulterated then they will start showing signs within 17 hours where as if the food is sechinese writing classnd to food laboratory for testing then it take more time. So, it thought that it better to use the service of white mice that save valuable time.According to the Beijing municipal health officials, these white mice will taste milk, alcohol, salad, rice, salt, oil, seasonings and other food ingredients. Where as all the vegetables packages will be fitted with a chip, which will have details about the farms where those vegetables were grown, and the date it was plucked. All the athletes will be served Western cuisine with complementary Chinese dishes. The Chinese dishes will have Beijing traditional pea flour cakes and donkey rolls. Donkey rolls? Yes, donkey rollt a sweet roll made of rice flour pasta mixed with crushed beans. It a very popular Chinese delicacy that all the athletes will enjoy consuming. The other mouth-watering delicacies will be tripe and chitterlings. All the cooks and ofchinese writing classficials related with food and beverages will be imparted extensive trainings. Apart from food testing by the white mice, the Beijing Olympic Games organizing committee is also taking other stringent steps to ensure that all the athletes get healthy foods. chinese writing class
All the food storage compounds will have alarms, video cameras, fire controls, global positioning systems equipped vans for delivering foods and security guards round the clock near food storage areas.
The drivers and other officials who will be attached with the food delivering vans will need to take special permission from the official to leave the vans. All these steps are taken to avoid any attempts to sabotage the vans. Not only that, China has also got a team of police as a special crack team to meet any untoward incidents. These policemen are trained to in martial arts, counter-terrorism, riot control and can counter kidnappers. chinese writing class
It heartening to see the kind of measures the Chinese government is taking to make the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games safe and memorable. And one more thing that the Chinese officials have shown the world is that the old practice of using animals forecasting weather was perfect and is still relevant. It believed that many animals sense the earthquakes waves before it actually strikes and they either make sounds or start moving around. These kinds of sings were used during medieval times.Author’s Resource Box
Beijing Olympics Games organizing committee is doing all this to ensure all the athletes are hale and hearty for the Games. These white mice will render service as a food inspector who will taste all the food and ingredients before they are used for cooking or for consumption whether they are healthy or not.Don’t worry about mistakes or things that don’t seem right as you’re writing them. Just keep plugging along. Get that first draft out, let it settle, and then go back and clean it up later.



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